Goals & Innovation in EFL

This is part of What is your story challenge, by Vicky Loras.

I'm a Brazilian tech-savvy teacher, researcher and blogger on the integration of handheld devices to enhance the opportunities of learning English as a foreign language.
My area of expertise is mobile learning, ways of integrating apps in and outside the classroom. 
Collaboration in real time and the usage of handheld devices to work with vision impaired students have been my main targets lately.
I also focus on using video passages from movies and TV series very regularly in my classes as to illustrate language features and expose students to more authentic English.

Since I started blogging to share my classroom experience, positive things have happened, such as:

*Speaking at an International Conference in 2013, blogging at Teaching English
*Being selected for the Google Teacher Academy and having become a Google Certified Teacher.
*Meeting like-minded teachers with such a passion for education from all over the world, which is such a reward.

As for my challenges in 2015:

*Presentation at IATEFL Manchester 2015 on Apps for learning independence and inclusion
That’s my first time at IATEFL and I will share my experience on working with a vision impaired student within a group of sighted classmates.
*To keep on sharing findings on free apps and sites that can be effective for both learners and teachers in the two blogs I write for.
*To work with the preparation of Business Students to sit for Cambridge Business Exams.

I appreciate this opportunity given by Vicky Loras in her blog. She has been an inspiration to EFL educators all over the world.

Follow me on Twitter @Rach_Gonzaga
or Subscribe to the blog ;)


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